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Salon Education In Philadelphia


ARS School Is In Session | Salon Education In Philadelphia

We went back to school early! Yes, ARS launched its official training program for 2017-2018. The program starts stylists from the ground up and will continue monthly on-going.  The program will consist of barbering techniques, fantasy/fashion hair coloring, curly hair workshops, long hair cutting and more. If you would like to be considered as a hair model for a workshop please complete this form


salon EducationThis class we covered proper consultations (so we know how to hear our clients needs) and also covered the basic theory of Redken hair color formulation.


Stylist level and master stylists were at the class because WE NEVER STOP LEARNING.

We are proud to say that every hair stylist at Andre Richard Salon Philadelphia is top trained in their field.



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Gender Neutral Haircuts in Philadelphia Are Here
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