Her Campus
Her Campus is the #1 global community for college women. Written entirely by the world's top college journalists – with 5,000+ contributors and counting – HerCampus.com features national Style, Beauty, Health, Love, Life, Career, LGBTQ+, High School, and Real World content supplemented by local content from 250+ campus chapters nationwide and in seven countries. In addition, Her Campus offers the HC Study Break email newsletter, Her Campus Blogger Network, High School Ambassador Program, Her Conference, Her Conference: High School, College Fashion Week®, Her Campus Shop, and even more products, programming, tools, and events to fulfill its mission of serving college women across every platform.
Her Campus feature: Summer Essentials Part 1: Summer Hair
Check out this before and after!

By Priscilla Andalia | March 9, 2023
Priscilla Andalia
Priscilla Andalia is a contributor to Her Campus from UPenn and writes the Priscilla’s Picks column for Her Campus UPenn. She also runs the Best Trends For Life blog and can be found on Twitter and Instagram as @besttrends4life.